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20 Shun Ning Rd
Hong Kong


A Reggio-Inspired Learning Centre with a mission to create engaging, child-focused community by offering a holistic curriculum to support children's knowledge building journey. 

Reggio Emilia in Under under 2 mins


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Reggio Emilia in Under under 2 mins

Baby Brain

Education can sometimes be such a mind field, and if we are not careful we can over-complicate it.  Let alone early childhood education, where it has such unique dynamics.

Here are some core fundamentals of this award-winning approach to early childhood education:

- Children are capable learners.

- Children learn and grow through relationships with others.

- Learning is an active process, not a transmission of pre-packaged knowledge.

- The Reggio teacher allows the child to make their own mistakes, while challenging and provoking ideas through open-ended questioning.

- The Reggio school (environment) is welcoming, home-like, nurturing. Where children can encounter and connect, interact and have dialogue.

So when we found this short and yet very informative animation on the Reggio Emilia approach, even better! We just had to share it.    

Download video here