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20 Shun Ning Rd
Hong Kong


A Reggio-Inspired Learning Centre with a mission to create engaging, child-focused community by offering a holistic curriculum to support children's knowledge building journey. 



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Filtering by Tag: flying

Flying with a Baby

Baby Brain

Now that the summer holidays have past, many parents are probably just about recovered from their ordeal flying with an infant/baby.  I certainly know what it's like, even just getting that few hours of sleep in that unfamiliar airline cot is a God-send!  

Just wanted to share my tip, as far as possible when packing for baby, go with the essentials.  I realised parents (especially with first borns) tend to pack more than necessary.  For those "just in case" moments right?  On the contrary, I have found that ruffling through so much unnecessary clutter makes things less efficient.  

Certainly like to hear how other parents feel about this.  Meanwhile stumbled on some good tips from this page -      

Hopefully this will help you be better prepared for your upcoming travels.