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20 Shun Ning Rd
Hong Kong


A Reggio-Inspired Learning Centre with a mission to create engaging, child-focused community by offering a holistic curriculum to support children's knowledge building journey. 


pre nursery foundation program | reggio emilia education day school for children (2-3y)

a reggio-inspired Pre-Nursery (PN) foundation program

Taking your child’s learning one step further is a play-based curriculum that encourages children’s independence, development of representational competence, self-regulation and social negotiation skills.

The Reggio Emilia Approach is an educational philosophy based on the image of the child, and of human beings, as possessing strong potentials for development.  Also as a subject of rights who learns and grows in the relationships with others.

So with Baby Brain's Reggio Day School Pre-Nursery Program, children are given the freedom to discover and question what they see in order to grow in their development.  Each child is valued as an individual with their own ideas and abilities and their unique ways of understanding the world.

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A Typical Day

Free Choice Play - Every morning, children are welcomed and greeted.  Children are then invited to choose what and how they would like to start their play. This is to re-establish relationships in the environment. 

Assembly - This is followed by assembly.  All children come together on the mat to share and experience the joy of music and games.  Children will be then be given the opportunities to share ideas and things of interest from home. 

Snacks - Morning tea snacks and toilet training is part of the daily routine.

Group Learning - Children will then be divided into small groups to investigate on the current projects.  This may include things from clay to working with mirrors, as part of their multi-sensory exploration and various mid/long-term project investigations; our past investigation projects include Supermarket, Farm animals, Sounds, Sensory and etc.  The rhythm of the day will continue through investigation, interaction and exploration.   

Reflection - Towards the end of the session, children will finally come together again to recognize and appreciate the rhythm of the day.  These reflections with the children involves several ways: from the way we ‘listen’ to the children (with both eyes & ears), the flexibility and respectfulness we give to time, to the support and encouragement that we give as teachers to the children, strengthening the partnership/relationship we have with the children in learning together.