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20 Shun Ning Rd
Hong Kong


A Reggio-Inspired Learning Centre with a mission to create engaging, child-focused community by offering a holistic curriculum to support children's knowledge building journey. 



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Filtering by Tag: gratitude

An Attitude of Gratitude

Baby Brain

In the spirit of Thanksgiving we thought wouldn't this be an ideal time to help your child learn about gratitude. Though young children may not be able to express gratitude in the same way adults can, teaching them how to be thankful will offer them many long-term benefits. 

Here are 4 ways:

1) Be grateful in your daily life.

From a simple thank you, to having a discussion about the good things that happened during your day, these small examples of thankfulness will make an impression on your child.

2) Encourage generous acts.

We see this all the time at Baby Brain, young children love to help, and Thanksgiving offers many chances to encourage this behavior. Like suggesting they help other less fortunate children by donating a toy, or some of their old clothing. Your child may surprise you with how keen they are.

3) Explain the act of giving with the meaning behind it.

Whether your child receives a physical gift or an experiential gift, it’s important to help him/her understand the kind thoughts behind it. "Wasn’t that nice of Por Por to knit you those mittens? She wants you to be warm this winter.”

4) Involve them by helping around the house.

From simply putting away their toys or helping mix ingredients in the kitchen, simple chores can help young children develop that grateful mindset. 

Gratitude will give them a strong foundation in empathy, and will set them up for a grateful future.