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20 Shun Ning Rd
Hong Kong


A Reggio-Inspired Learning Centre with a mission to create engaging, child-focused community by offering a holistic curriculum to support children's knowledge building journey. 


學前預備班 | 九龍幼兒園 | Baby Brain

Baby Brain九龍幼兒園為幼兒提供獨特而且革新的學前預備班課程,選用瑞吉歐教學法,以幼兒的興趣主導及鼓勵自行探索,發掘興趣及能力。歡迎聯絡我們了解更多。



"A school needs to be a place for all children, not based on the idea that they're all the same but that they're all different." - Loris Malaguzzi



Baby.Brain幼兒學前教育中心的核心理念源自The Reggio Emilia Approach (瑞吉歐教育取向) ,此取向於1991年被 NEWSWEEK 雜誌選為「全世界最好的學前教育」之一。它是一套獨特而且革新的哲學,重視幼兒的"聲音",與身邊的人、物件、和事情的關係,建構有意義的學習經歷,助幼兒發展獨立性及豐富想像力和表達思維。

設計課程也參考不同的國際幼兒教育研究,就幼兒腦部發展的研究 ; 及就遊戲對幼兒的重要性的研究。另中心更採用意大利著名幼兒傢私玩具Play+設計幼兒玩樂空間。


As Featured In


瑞吉歐教育法的核心價值是“兒童形象” (Image of the child)。瑞吉歐教師非常重視每一個孩子的獨特性,絕對不會視孩子為一個空罐子,等待成人去填滿;相反,她們認為孩子滿有潛能、才華和能力去建構他們的理論。



"The Reggio teacher is unique because she offers herself to the co-construction knowledge, releasing the traditional roles of a teacher and opening doors to new possibilities.

She starts with the use of the child's own theories, promotes disequilibrium, and helps the child to think about their thinking to facilitate new learning."

Seong Bock Hong, 1998

教學成員 ›


"Play is so important to optimal child development that it has been recognized by the United Nations High Commission for Human Rights as a right of every child."

Kenneth R. Ginsburg for the American Academy of Pediatrics

玩樂的重要性 ›